Lesson 6/7 Make Questions | What + “be” verbs & This | That Demonstrative Pronouns | English to Lisu

That Demonstrative pronoun


Lesson – 6 Make questions | What + ‘be’ verbs:

  • What is it?
  • It is a watch./It’s a watch.
  • What are they?
  • They are books. They’re books.
  • What am I?
  • You are a student. You’re a student
  • What is it?
  • It is a pen. It’s a pen.
  • What is it?
  • It is a book. It’s a book.
  • What are they?
  • They are pens. They’re pens.

Lesson – 7
This/that – Demonstrative pronoun.


This is a pen.🖊

That is a pen.           🖊

  • This is a flower.🌹

That is a flower.       🌹

This isn’t a pen. 🪑  

  • It’s a chair. 🪑

That isn’t a flower.     🐄

  • That is a cow.          🐄

This isn’t a book. 🐕

  • It’s a dog.🐕

That isn’t a book.        🐕

  • It’s a dog.                🐕


Q. Is this a flower?

  • Yes, It is.
  • No, It isn’t.

Q. Is that a flower?

  • Yes, It is.
  • No, It isn’t.

Q. Is this a book?

  • Yes, It is.
  • No, It isn’t.

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