Basic Sentences

  • April 9, 2021
  • Less than a minute

Lisu to English| English Spoken Sentence with Audio by Biyo Lisu// Using the word “What”.

What ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ “ꓮ ꓫꓵꓽ” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= ꓕꓱ ꓕꓲ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓠꓬ ꓮ ꓘꓶ ꓛꓲ ꓣꓱꓽ ꓬꓯꓼˍꓟ ꓥ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓣꓳ ꓟꓽ ꓢꓷ. ꓟꓽ D ꓗ, ꓟ ꓥꓳ=

  • April 7, 2021
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Basic English Spoken Sentence with Audio by Biyo Lisu//Using the word “May vs Possible”. Lisu to English.

May – ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ “ꓐ ꓡ” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ=  Possible – ” ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ ꓒꓬꓱꓼ ꓡ ꓐ ꓡ” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓕꓱ ꓠꓬꓲꓽ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓣꓳ

  • April 5, 2021
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Common & Useful Idioms with Audio

Idioms and phrases ꓔꓯ ꓣꓳ ꓢꓳ ꓣꓴ ꓡꓯ= ꓬꓲ ꓢꓯꓼ ꓔꓯ ꓠ ꓠ, ꓢꓲ ꓥˍꓟꓲ ꓢꓳ ꓣ ꓴ ꓡꓯ= Get off – ꓡꓵ. ꓗꓷ/ꓫꓶ. ꓬꓯꓼ

  • March 31, 2021
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Basic English Speaking Sentences With Audio in Lisu Language by Biyo Lisu//Don’t Come with……

ꓫ ꓕꓱ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓕꓱ ꓟꓬ, ꓟ ꓮ ꓙꓵꓽ ꓠꓬ ꓮ ꓘꓶ. ꓢˍꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓠꓴ ꓪ ꓥ ꓟꓲ ꓮ ꓘꓶ ꓙꓵ, ꓠ ꓢꓳ ꓪ

  • March 30, 2021
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Short English Speaking Sentences with Audio|Using the word “Come and With” By Biyo Lisu.

ꓟꓲ ꓟꓲ ꓣꓳ ꓢꓳ Dꓴ ꓠꓬ “With” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓕꓱ ꓕꓲꓽ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓫ ꓪ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓫꓬ, ꓢꓲ ꓐꓳ ꓔˍꓡꓳ= “With” ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ “ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ”꓾ ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ=

  • March 28, 2021
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English Speaking Sentences With Audio// Using the word of “Will” with question and answer by Biyo Lisu.

“Will” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓕꓱ ꓕꓲ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓠꓬ꓾ ꓟꓲ. ꓙꓬꓽ ꓢꓲ ꓗꓪ ꓟ ꓫ ꓪ ꓕꓱ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓗꓪ ꓣꓱˍꓟ ꓫ. ꓕꓱ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓥˍꓡꓳ=ꓔꓯꓺ ꓥꓳꓽ꓾ (I will come.

  • March 26, 2021
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English Sentences with Audio// Using the word “That’ by Biyo Lisu.

ꓮ ꓟꓶ ꓣꓳ ꓢꓳ Dꓴ ꓠꓬ꓾”That” ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓔꓯ ꓢꓳ ꓡꓯ= “That” ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ ꓖꓳ ꓟ ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= ꓢꓯꓼ ꓔꓯ ꓠ ꓠ, ꓢꓲ ꓢꓳ ꓡꓯ= That is

  • March 24, 2021
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Uses of Should go with audio// English Speaking Sentences By Biyo Lisu.

Should ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ ꓬꓰ ꓙꓵꓽ ꓙꓳ꓾ ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= Audio by Biyo Lisu You should go. ꓠꓴ ꓙꓰ ꓙꓲꓽ ꓙꓳˍꓡꓳ= I should go. ꓥꓪ ꓙꓰ ꓙꓲꓽ ꓙꓳˍꓡꓳ=

  • March 23, 2021
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Use of good with audio by Biyo Lisu. Lisu to English.

Good ꓐꓯˍꓠꓬ꓾ ꓙꓲˍꓟ/ꓜꓳˍꓟ ꓔꓯ ꓐꓯˍꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓣꓳ “ꓖꓳꓳD” ꓔꓯ ꓫ ꓕꓱ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓫꓬ, ꓢꓲ ꓢꓳ ꓡꓯ= Audio by Biyo Lisu You are good.

  • March 18, 2021
  • Less than a minute

Use of know with Audio // Short English Sentences by Biyo Lisu.

Know ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓠꓬ “ꓢꓷ.” ꓐꓰ ꓐꓯˍꓟ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓔꓯ ꓣꓳ ꓐꓴ ꓜꓲ ꓜꓲ ꓟꓴ ꓟꓴ ꓮ ꓔꓯ. ꓤꓼ ꓢꓳ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓡꓯ= ꓢꓯꓼ ꓔꓯ ꓤˍꓟꓲ